Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tagged FroM YB.Dr.Adryne

1) Do you think you're hot?
>I am cool like ice hahaha
2) Upload your favourite picture of you.

3) Why do you like that picture?
>Bcoz of my T-shirt

4) When was the last time you ate pizza?
>Last Month with koupusan hehe

5) The last song you listened to?
>The silk road-By kitaro(instrumental)

6) What are you doing now besides this?
>Listen to music

People I tag :
>U tag me and I tag U back hahaha

Who is number 1?
>everyone can no.1,But no.1 is not perfect

Say something about number 5.
>Five person In band (Drum,bass,vocal, and 2Guitar)

How about number 3?
>3 starring in my family me, and 2 younger Brother

Who is number 2?
>2 is in top 3


Mr. Adry said...

Oooo...nenumunya nyadi Yb Dr..Agik bedau badu skul...haha